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Enum SvgStrokeLineJoin


Specifies the shape to be used at the corners of paths or basic shapes when they are stroked.

public enum SvgStrokeLineJoin


Arcs = 5

The corners of the paths are joined by arcs that have the same curvature as the curves they join. This is a new value that might not be supported by most browsers.

Bevel = 4

The corners of the paths are "flattened".

Inherit = 0

The value is inherited from the parent element.

Miter = 1

The corners of the paths are joined sharply.

MiterClip = 2

The corners of the paths are joined sharply, but clipped at the miter limit instead of falling back to SvgStrokeLineJoin.Bevel. This is a new value that might not be supported by most browsers.

Round = 3

The corners of the paths are rounded off.