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Enum SvgFontWeight


The weight of a face relative to others in the same font family.

public enum SvgFontWeight


All = Normal | Bold | W100 | W200 | W300 | W400 | W500 | W600 | W700 | W800 | W900

All font weights.

Bold = 2

Same as W700.

Bolder = 4

One font weight darker than the parent element.(do not use font-face.)

Inherit = 0

The value is inherited from the parent element.

Lighter = 8

One font weight lighter than the parent element.(do not use font-face.)

Normal = 1

Same as W400.

W100 = 256
W200 = 512
W300 = 1024
W400 = 2048

Same as Normal.

W500 = 4096
W600 = 8192
W700 = 16384

Same as Bold.

W800 = 32768
W900 = 65536